
学杂费由校董会制定. 所列学杂费如有更改,恕不另行通知.

学费和某些费用是基于学区和宾夕法尼亚州居住. The college is sponsored by the nine school districts in Lehigh County and four of the five school districts in Carbon County: Allentown, Catasauqua, 东潘, 里海北部, 西北利哈伊, 公园, 索尔斯堡, 里海南部, Whitehall-Coplay, 吉姆·索普, Lehighton, Palmerton, 和黑豹谷.

As part of the enrollment process, students provide the college with residency information. Each school district is responsible for determining whether students are residents of the district and whether to sponsor them resident tuition. 各赞助学区的居住要求各不相同. 学生应熟悉所在学区的居住要求.

有关居住要求的信息, 联系商务办公室,电话:610-799-1592或电子邮件:bursar1@mymail.floridabestautodeals.com. 学区联系人将提供居住赞助.

Pre-sponsorship: Students who have established Commonwealth residency and reside in one of the sponsoring districts ninety days prior to the start of the semester, 但不符合该地区的所有其他居住要求, shall be granted sponsoring rates upon providing documentation to LCCC Business Office.


学费 and fees are charged as follows: Students who register for 12 to 18 credits will be charged a block rate for tuition and fees. Registration of less than twelve credits and above eighteen credits will be charged on a per credit basis.

2024年夏天 LCCC的赞助地区 其他PA居民 州外学生或外国学生 斯库尔基尔县的居民
$1,875.00 $3,750.00 $5,625.00 $2,812.50
资本支出费用 $135.00 $270.00 $135.00
综合费用 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00
技术费 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00
全日制总学杂费 $2,595.00 $4,605.00 $6,615.00 $3,667.50


2024年夏天 LCCC的赞助地区 其他PA居民 州外学生或外国学生 斯库尔基尔县的居民
每学分135美元 每学分270美元 每学分405美元 $202.每学分50元
资本支出费用 $9.每学分00美元 $18.每学分00美元 $9.每学分00美元
综合费用 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元
技术费 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元
每学时总学杂费 $183.每学分00美元 $327.每学分00美元 $471.每学分00美元 $259.每学分50元


2024年秋季 LCCC的赞助地区 其他PA居民 州外学生或外国学生 斯库尔基尔县的居民
$1,875.00 $3,750.00 $5,625.00 $2,812.50
资本支出费用 $135.00 $270.00 $135.00
综合费用 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00
技术费 $405.00 $405.00 $405.00 $405.00
全日制总学杂费 $2,640.00 $4,650.00 $6,660.00 $3,712.50
LCCC教材+费用(每学分) $30.每学分00美元 $30.每学分00美元 $30.每学分00美元 $30.每学分00美元


2024年秋季 LCCC的赞助地区 其他PA居民 州外学生或外国学生 斯库尔基尔县的居民
每学分135美元 每学分270美元 每学分405美元 $202.每学分50元
资本支出费用 $9.每学分00美元 $18.每学分00美元 $9.每学分00美元
综合费用 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元 $24.每学分00美元
技术费 $27.每学分00美元 $27.每学分00美元 $27.每学分00美元 $27.每学分00美元
每学时总学杂费 $186.每学分00美元 $330.每学分00美元 $474.每学分00美元 $262.每学分50元
LCCC教材+费用(每学分) $30.每学分00美元 $30.每学分00美元 $30.每学分00美元 $30.每学分00美元


LCCC教材+ 是LCCC书店的一个新项目来包装你们的课本吗, 电子教材和必修课程资料. 而所有的学生都自动加入了Access计划, you may choose to opt-out and are then responsible for finding/purchasing you materials independently. 如果你选择退出, you will opt-out of all course materials and supplies for every course you are enrolled in. 你必须采取行动退出该计划.

All students are automatically included in LCCC教材+; however, 您可以在指定的退出期限内选择退出该计划. 在每个学期开始时,您可以选择退出LCCC教科书+. 选择退出:

联系校园商店 bookstore@floridabestautodeals.com for information on how to opt-out, or whether opting out may be financially beneficial to you.

其他费用(不可退还) 成本
空头支票费    $30
美洲狮付款计划费    $25/$35
美洲狮付款计划滞纳金    $25
身份证补领费    $5
逾期登记费    $5
前期学习评估费    $125
监考费    不同

请注意, 额外的课程费用在不同的金额可能适用于艺术, 航空, 护理, 以及其他课程.

请参阅 学分目录获取额外课程费用的完整列表. Course fees are established to recover the costs directly associated with a particular course such as supplies, 软件, 艺术材料, 以及测试材料.

综合费用是用来支付辅导费用的, 咨询, 职业咨询, 食品分发处, 俱乐部和组织, 图书馆资源, 还有健身中心.

技术费支持学习管理系统, 许可证, 帮助台, IT支持和基础设施, 还有图书馆的技术.


  • 退伍军人/军人将只收取赞助费用.
  • 利哈伊碳社区学院, will return any unearned DOD tuition assistance funds received on a prorated basis through at least the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were received. 基金在注册期间按比例赚取, 未赚的钱会根据学生休学的时间返还.



  • 由赞助讲师讲授的课程-每学分30美元
  • 大学讲师讲授的课程-每学分70美元


  • 由非赞助商讲师讲授的课程-每学分96美元
  • 大学讲师讲授的课程-每学分111美元


  • 大学讲师讲授的课程-每学分70美元


Students over the age of sixty years residing in the college-sponsor school districts are eligible for free tuition in credit and noncredit courses on a space available basis as of the day the course begins. Senior citizen students will pay all course fees or costs such as laboratory fees and out-of-pocket course costs incurred and paid for by the college such as for third party services provided, 包括, 但不限于, 卡车驾驶证由大四学生自费. Senior Citizens who are eligible for Veterans education benefits may choose to use their preferential course scheduling privileges to register prior to the day the course begins to guarantee their seat at the sponsor rate. 如果他们选择这样做的话, 学生负责与课程相关的所有学杂费.


Students who withdraw from their classes will have their tuition recalculated based upon liable credit hours, which are calculated according to when in the semester the withdrawal request process is completed. 课程完成20%后,将不予退款. The date of official withdrawal is when the Office of 注册/学生记录 has all the properly completed forms.

An official withdrawal must be done in writing through the Office of Registration and Student Records before or during the first week of the semester.


学费以学时为基础. 退款期限为每节课的1/15. The information below details the financial obligation of the student based on what refund period the class withdrawal occurs. 有关实际退款日期范围,请按以下连结:

Before and during the first refund period of classes – 0% credit hour liability (no tuition is owed)

  • ​Within the second refund period of classes – 50% credit hours liability (must pay 50% of tuition charges)
  • Within the third refund period of classes – 75% credit hour liability (must pay 75% of tuition charges)
  • After third week of regularly scheduled classes – 100% credit hour liability (must pay all tuition charges)
  • 学费 liability amount and dates after the semester has begun (Spring 2024 semester)
    • [0% 1/22-1/28/24] [50% 1/29-2/4/24] [75% 2/5-2/11/24]
  • 学费 liability amount and dates after the semester has begun (2024年夏天 semester)
    • [0% 5/20-5/21][50% 5/22-5/24][75% 5/25-5/26] -第5学期的一部分-5周
  • 学费 liability amount and dates after the semester has begun ( Summer II, 2024 semester)
    • [0% 7/8-7/9][50% 7/10-7/12][75% 7/13-7/14]
  • 学期开始后的学费负债金额和日期(2024年秋季学期)
    • [0% 8/26-9/3] [50% 9/4-9/10] [75% 9/11-9/17]

请注意: There are different parts of each term with different refund and withdrawal dates.


  • 在学期第一周之前和期间,学费100%退还.
  • Students who submit a total withdrawal during the first week of classes will be assessed a $100 service fee.
  • 在第二周的课程中,学生需支付50%的费用.
  • 在第三周的课程中,学生需要支付75%的费用.
  • There will be no fee refunds for students who withdraw after the third week of classes.

学费 will not be refunded to students who drop and still remain in the 12-18 credit block.

学费 will be refunded to students who are taking less than 12 or more than 18 credits, 根据学院的退款政策.

在这种情况下,学院必须取消一个课程,因为没有足够的学生, 所有学杂费均可退还.


利哈伊碳社区学院采用标准的收集流程. Delinquent accounts will be sent to a third party in which the third party will impose collection fees. 托收费用按适用法律允许的最高金额计算, 不超过33个.未偿金额的3%. 拖欠帐户可以报告给一个或多个国家信用局.

除了, student transcripts are withheld and the college will deny registration and readmission to students who:

  • 欠大学的债.
  • 没有归还借给他们的书籍或设备.


Agreement acknowledges the student financial responsibility and understanding of the financial policies of the college. Students are responsible to make sure payment is submitted to their account either directly, 通过财政援助, 或者通过第三方.


  • 2024年夏季一学期的学费将于2024年4月29日到期
  • 夏季二,2024年学期的学费将于2024年6月17日到期
  • 2024年秋季学期的学费将于2024年8月1日到期
  • Dual Enrollment tuition payment is due at the time of registration unless a special arrangement has been made with the school district

For specific refund periods for classes that start other than the first week of the semester, 或者不是整个学期的课程, 联系注册/学生记录办公室,电话:610 - 799-1171. 退修课程的退款将在退款期结束后发放.